IT Communication Tools
On this page you will find the different IT communication tools that are available to pensioners.
Various secure IT applications allow pensioners of the European Institutions to (re)find information, ask questions and encode medical expenses. In order to have this secure personal access, it is first necessary to create an EU Login account.

EU Login
EU Login is the European Commission’s authentication service. It is the gateway that allows authorised users, including retired staff of the European institutions, to access various information systems managed by the Commission (My IntraComm, JSIS Online, SYSPER Post Activity, Staff Matters & Staff Contact, Legal&Financial Information)
JSIS online
Via the JSIS online application, you can request reimbursement of your expenses, but that's not all. Whether you need prior authorization, care during hospitalization or apply for health screening, connect to JSIS online.
SYSPER Post Activity
This application allows you to consult pension slips, generate tax certificates, modify/add/complete your personal and family details, enter a life declaration, etc.
My Remote
Single access point with one menu to access the different Commission applications (JSIS Online, My IntraComm, SYSPER Post Activity, Staff Matters + Staff Contact, Legal&Financial Information and EU Login).
Staff Matters & Staff Contact
Staff Matters and Staff Contact allow you to find information and ask questions to the various services