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You will find most of contact details of the services of DG HR and PMO in the appended table.

Contact details

You will find most of contact details of the services of DG HR and PMO in the appended table.

If you need any kind of help, the first contact point is the DG HR’s Sector “Reations with former staff members” : +32 2 29 59058 et HR-BXL-AIDE-PENSIONNES@ec.europa.eu.

Warning : pending annupdate of the table, here are a number of details that have changed since publication :

PMO Pensions : Questions about pensions : +32 2 29 78800 only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 to 12:30

PMO / Welcome desk : it is essential to make an appointment by email or phone :

Brussels : PMO-RCAM-BRU-RDV@ec.europa.eu or +32 2 29 97777

Luxembourg : PMO-RCAM-LUX-RDV@ec.europa.eu or + 352 4301 36100

Ispra : PMO–ISPRA-RCAM-HD@ec.europa.eu or + 39 0332 78 57 57

DG HR : renewal of  access passes: new address : Rue Philippe Le Bon, 3,  1000 Brussels, office PO83, by appointment only.

Table of contact details of DG HR and PMO

Files library

You will find in the library all the documents related to "Contacts" that you may need.

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