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Cooperation with GD Human Ressources

26 August 2022 - European Commission - EN

In the Commission’s new human resources strategy, adopted in April 2022, the...

In the Commission’s new human resources strategy, adopted in April 2022, the priority is stated as being to enable the Commission to produce outstanding results for people across the EU and to provide modern workplaces and fulfilling careers which can attract top talents from the Member States.

The Commission will also cooperate with those Member States which are under-represented, with the aim of improving the geographical balance of its staff.

With that aim in mind, it will introduce selection and recruitment procedures that are modern and both swifter and more flexible than previously, for both internal and external candidates. The objective is to attract the most talented and highly qualified candidates, to create a level playing field for them and to retain staff already in post.

For this purpose, there is a plan to organise fresh competitions, which in certain cases might be targeted at specific languages or countries.

DG HR contacted us, asking us to assist in organising and managing these competitions. As our readers know, a good competition requires the participation of many people at the various stages, and it is a fact that, among AIACE’s members, considerable experience of all those stages exists.

We appreciated DG HR’s recognition of this wealth of experience and its desire to seek our collaboration, and we passed the request on to our contacts. You will be interested to know that the response was very good, and that we were able to forward to DG HR a list containing plenty of names. You can still apply if interested (contact Dominique Deshayes dom.deshayes@gmail.com). We shall keep you informed.

Good short presentation of the strategy: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_1783
Full text of the strategy:


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